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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Say "Hi" to my Blog!

Today, August 06, 2012, I finally decided to enter the world of "Blogging". Yes, by means of creating my very own blog. As I type words on my screen the first question I ask myself is, "How do I start?", but still I don't have any answer. Maybe I should just go with the flow or maybe I should  introduce myself to my readers, or perhaps by simply explaining why I decided to put up a blog, well, that's sounds more okay to me.

How do I start? Just today it came up to me several reasons why I should create this site, first thing is to express myself.  I think this is a better way to show my likes and dislikes in life,  goals, everyday routine, my passion, creativity and more of me that others don't know yet. Secondly, this can be one way of sharing my knowledge and ideas through posting tips and tricks, product reviews, daily fashion and beauty routines, food tripping, adventures and mostly posting my own opinions. I know in the help of this blog I can teach others, likewise, bloggers and readers can teach me also.  Thirdly, to be an inspiration, because I was inspired too by many bloggers, especially fashion bloggers. So, I guess by the end of this post I can proudly say that I am now an "Official Blogger".


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